Perkins Manufacturing Company D6073X Sideloader Lifters

The TuckAway® model was developed specifically for side-loaders, with an extra-long arc of motion to dump over a variety of sill heights. The D6073x has a mounting height of 40″-53″ inches to suit your application. If your application requires more customization, Perkins’ fully staffed engineering department is available for quick and practical custom applications.

  • Description: US 2-Bar; Type B (ANSI Z245.60-2008)
  • Load Type: Side-load
  • Operation: Helical Rotary Actuator with 27,000 inch-lbs of torque at 3000 psi
  • Width: 16 3/4 inches
  • Mounting Height: 40 – 53 inches
  • Height: 40-31 3/4 inches

  • Mounting height for  40″ – 53″
  • Pick-up cart both on and off the curb
  • Compact design stores under truck when not in use
  • Dumps high and deep for maximum productivity
  • Powerful 27k rotary actuator lifts the heaviest loads
  • Minimal greasing for less maintenance
  • New 3 year limited Warranty

All material on this page referring to Perkins Manufacturing Company D6073X Sideloader Lifters including text, images, logos and pdfs, are owned by Perkins Manufacturing Company, either through copyright or trademark, unless otherwise indicated.

Municipal Equipment, Inc. is an authorized Perkins Manufacturing Company reseller.